Oklahoma Girl

Car Rides and Nap Time

Family vacation Day 1 Hour 10: Mom and I have finally convinced dad to suffer through a country music station just long enough that we may enjoy a reprieve from “play that funky music white boy” and an inordinate amount of Styx and Queen songs.

As you might have surmised, this means I am in the back of the car blissfully enjoying every bump and dip our tires seem to find (note the sarcasm). But it’s not too bad. I woke up at the crack of dawn to reserve said back seat and call dibs over my siblings. I mean, come on, I can fully lay out and enjoy a relaxing nap without the confines of a seated position. (And for the record, I’ve had three naps in the ten hours we’ve been in this car. I know what I’m talking about folks)

The smallest brother protested my right to the back seat of course. And in response to his question of why I deserve it, I say because I’ll be living out of a suitcase for two weeks when all is said and done. To top that, my belongings haven’t even begun to be unpacked from boxes after my move earlier this summer. And if there is any question as to how busy I’ve been this summer, the scholarship essay I wrote whilst on my iPad in the truck on the highway in rush hour traffic should be a sufficient enough clue. (Plus it helps I’m the only daughter and the oldest sibling — a power of mine I’ve learned to abuse).


So here I am, just risen from my third consecutive nap. The boys are sleeping which makes for a pleasant trip (mom hasn’t had to drug us with Benadryl just yet). You would think that a 20-something and a 12-year-old would learn they can get along without the yelling….but apparently ours doesn’t know what inside voices are.

And with that, I will leave you with the promise that there will be another post. And it will be this month! Not five months from now….this month! Heck, maybe as soon as tomorrow. The advantage of being an early riser (besides calling dibs on car seats and snacks) is that I will have several hours of pure, unadulterated bliss in the form of alone time on the front porch, with my coffee, taking in the view that is our beach house!

Two hours until my destination…let the countdown commence!

4 thoughts on “Car Rides and Nap Time

      • Whew! I just realized I could have insulted you with that statement. I’m not from OK, but have leaved here since 89. I always thought I’d end up in Colorado… Oh well!

        • Chef mimi, I definitely did not see that as an insult! It’s just so true of Oklahoma! I always wanted to end up in Colorado too but Oklahoma just seems to be where my heart is!

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